Together, Let’s Light
Up Rotary
Posted on July 1, 2014
by Rotary International
RI President Gary C.K. Huang and his wife, Corinna,
at the International Assembly, Rotary’s annual training event, in January.
RI President Gary C.K. Huang
As we begin a
new Rotary year, I would like to tell you that I’m honored to be your Rotary
International president and to stand with you as Rotary members.
Being a Rotarian
is about a way of approaching the world and its challenges. There are many
people in this world who need help and many changes that need to be made. It
can be overwhelming.
Confucius and
Rotary share similar ideas, and one idea from Confucius is that “It is better
to light one single candle than to sit and curse the dark.” To me, this means
that we shouldn’t lose hope and do nothing.
Instead, do
something positive in your community, and let people know that Rotarians enjoy
being together and working together. Involve your spouse and family in Rotary.
Sharing your love for Rotary will recruit new members and keep
current ones, and be the action that lights a candle.
Tell your
community about Rotary
Holding a Rotary
Day is a great way to share your love for Rotary with your community,
friends, family, Foundation alumni, and Rotaract and Interact clubs. You can
make your Rotary Day simple, you can make it fancy, you can make it a whole day
or just a few hours. But do something for your community to show people what
you do locally and internationally. Make sure your community knows that
Rotary is there, Rotary is active, Rotary is fun, and Rotary is doing good
Download the Rotary Days
brochure to learn more, and share your Rotary Day photos on
social media using #RotaryDay.
I appreciate each selfless act of kindness you do
and for sharing the love and ideas of Rotary. Thank you for joining me as
together we Light Up Rotary!