Saturday, 31 January 2015

Each year one of the responsibilities of the Rotary International Regional Director is to convene the Zone Institute and organise the Governor Elects Training Seminar (GETS) which involves the four tiers of Zone Coordinators (Rotary Coordinators, Rotary Public Image Coordinators, Foundation Coordinators and the Major Donor Coordinators). These coordinators present and facilitate sessions for DG Elects, DG Nominees and the current DGs.
This Rotary year the GETS and Zone Institute were conducted in Marrakech, Morocco as a consolidation  of  both Zone 20 A and Zone 20B. Zone 20A training scheduled for Accra in Ghana was cancelled due to the outbreak of the Ebola virus in the West African region. The November event included all Districts in Africa,     the Mediterranean and some European countries.
The purpose of the Zone Institute is to inform District Governors and Past District Governors of current developments and report on the various programs of Rotary that operate in our region. Representing Rotary International at the Marrakech event was RI President Gary Haung and his wife Corina and the event was convened by RI Director Safak Alpay.